DiArtuso Indústria Madeireira

Di Artuso Indústria Madeireira is located in Sena Madureira county, state of Acre, Brazil. It is the first company to adopt the DNA traceability in its supply chain. Congratulations!

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DiArtuso Ind. Mad.: Sena Madureira, AC, Brazil

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DiArtuso Ind. Mad.: main entrance from BR-364

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Industry: high valued products

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Industry: high valued products

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Chain of custody: full control with QRCodes

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Log stock: transportation fully integrated

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Forest management: reduced impact

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Forest management: forest already explored

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Genetic survey: every single tree in the forest

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Genetic survey: sampling every single tree

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Sample for DNA analysis: control from the forest to the lab

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Sample for DNA analysis: control from the forest to the lab

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DNA profile: NGS provides hundreds, thousands or even millions sequences from each tree

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