Di Artuso Indústria Madeireira is located in Sena Madureira county, state of Acre, Brazil. It is the first company to adopt the DNA traceability in its supply chain. Congratulations!
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DiArtuso Ind. Mad.: Sena Madureira, AC, Brazil
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DiArtuso Ind. Mad.: main entrance from BR-364
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Industry: high valued products
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Industry: high valued products
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Chain of custody: full control with QRCodes
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Log stock: transportation fully integrated
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Forest management: reduced impact
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Forest management: forest already explored
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Genetic survey: every single tree in the forest
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Genetic survey: sampling every single tree
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Sample for DNA analysis: control from the forest to the lab
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Sample for DNA analysis: control from the forest to the lab
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DNA profile: NGS provides hundreds, thousands or even millions sequences from each tree